Workshops & Talks

whole body wellness with Rhonda torossian

Power Networking Club Expo

May 22-23, 1-6 PM, Mount Prospect, IL

Join me for this exciting health and wellness expo! I’ll be at my booth with goodies for you to try and time to connect with you. For better digestive health, and feeling fabulous again, come to the expo! We’ll be at: 828 E. Rand Rd., Mount Prospect, IL.

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The Expo features experts from key industries for wellness patients, clients, entrepreneurs, and small business enthusiasts. There will be time to make valuable connections as well as evening fun with an Elvis/Beatles Tribute Event. 

The Power Networking Club is designed to help entrepreneurs grow their primary business more efficiently than they ever could on their own and create residual income. By promoting their business to our database of tens of thousands of Chicagoland entrepreneurs, we expose them to more potential business then they could ever reach on their own in years.

We produce several POWER NETWORKING LUNCHES throughout Chicagoland every month and video tape our members 30 second pitch every time in order to help them polish their presentation skills and our members help each other grow by re-posting each other’s videos and promoting each other.



Lunch will be available! Please get your ticket at the link here…

Fermented Foods for Whole Body Wellness

May 28th, 6-8 PM, Loves Park, IL

Join me at this workshop for an evening of learning great recipes, enjoying like-minded community, and snacking on foods that foster great health! We’ll be meeting at Maury Real Estate Group, 4174 Perryville Rd., Loves Park, IL 61111. RSVP so I bring enough food!

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Fermented foods have long been a staple in many traditional diets, but are now enjoying an increase in popularity. Why? Because eating fermented foods could be a wonderful way to naturally enhance the health of your digestive and immune systems. Fermented foods are filled with probiotics, and there is a growing awareness of the benefits of these “friendly” bacteria in maintaining optimal health. They may sound too exotic for you, but don’t be put off. Here you will learn more about fermented foods and why they should become a regular part of your diet.



Fermented foods are foods that have been prepared in a way so that the bacteria naturally found within them starts to ferment. Fermentation, also known as lacto-fermentation, is a chemical process in which bacteria and other micro-organisms break down starches and sugars within the foods, possibly making them easier to digest, and resulting in a product that is filled with helpful organisms and enzymes. This process of fermentation is a natural preservative, which means that fermented foods can last a long time.


Health Benefits

Fermented foods, because they are filled with healthy probiotics and enzymes, are thought to:

  • Enhance digestion
  • Balance the gut flora
  • Help to fight off disease-producing microorganisms
  • Produce nutrients
  • Boost the immune system

There are several advantages of consuming fermented foods, as opposed to taking a probiotic supplement:

  • You are getting probiotics in a natural way.
  • You are guaranteed to get live strains.
  • You are getting more strains than those isolated in a laboratory.
  • You are getting a variety of strains, thus improving the likelihood that you are giving your system what it needs.
  • Fermented foods are significantly more affordable than many probiotic formulations.

Role in Addressing Digestive Symptoms

If you have chronic digestive problems, including IBS, some people believe that fermented foods may be a great dietary option: they enhance the digestive process and have a positive effect on the gut flora, thus reducing problematic digestive symptoms. In addition, because the sugars in the fermented vegetables or milk products are already fermented, consuming these products may result in less gas and bloating.


If you are following a low FODMAPs diet, you would want to check the Monash University app or website to learn about the FODMAP content of specific fermented foods.


Lastly, it has been theorized that eating fermented foods may reduce the risk of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), a condition that results in IBS symptoms.


How Are Foods Fermented?

Many fermented foods are made by adding a starter culture of bacteria to a food. Thus, yogurt and kefir are made when a culture is added to milk, while kombucha is made when a culture is added to a sweetened tea.

Fermented vegetables are created by shredding or cutting the vegetable into small pieces, which are then packed into an airtight container with some salt water.

Written by Barbara Bolen, PhD, and reviewed by a Board Certified Physician. Go to for more information. 



/ person

Please RSVP so I know how much food to bring!

The Chiropractors’ Podcast

May 29th, 8 PM CST, Online

Join me for this talk: How to Nurture Patients’ Digestive Health to Promote Faster Healing and Generate Business Income

If you are a chiropractor, consider tuning in to find out how to promote faster healing and create additional income for your office with digestive health supplements and recommendations!

More Info

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You Have Several Opportunities in Chicagoland to Catch My Summer Chocolate Extravaganza!



Workshop and Demonstration

How to Eat to Reduce Stress and Heal Your Body

Options 4 Health, Marengo, IL

I’ll be demonstrating how to make dark chocolate cashew butter that you will get a chance to enjoy! You will also get to take the recipe and a whole recipe book home.

Even more importantly, when you attend this workshop you’ll get that vital piece of information that has been missing all along. You’ve heard about reducing stress, and eating naturally, and whole body wellness. In this workshop, I make sense of the muddle so that you can go home with aha moments that will change your eating and ultimately can change your life. Join me and regain your freedom through health and whole body healing.

Registration is open now!



Workshop and Demonstration

How to Eat to Reduce Stress and Heal Your Body

5 Seasons Fitness Center in Burr Ridge

I’ll be demonstrating how to make dark chocolate cashew butter that you will get a chance to enjoy! You will also get to take the recipe and a whole recipe book home.

Even more importantly, when you attend this workshop you’ll get that vital piece of information that has been missing all along. You’ve heard about reducing stress, and eating naturally, and whole body wellness. In this workshop, I make sense of the muddle so that you can go home with aha moments that will change your eating and ultimately can change your life. Join me and regain your freedom through health and whole body healing. 

Registration opens TBA



Workshop and Demonstration

How to Eat to Reduce Stress and Heal Your Body

5 Seasons Fitness Center in Northbrook

I’ll be demonstrating how to make dark chocolate cashew butter that you will get a chance to enjoy! You will also get to take the recipe and a whole recipe book home.

Even more importantly, when you attend this workshop you’ll get that vital piece of information that has been missing all along. You’ve heard about reducing stress, and eating naturally, and whole body wellness. In this workshop, I make sense of the muddle so that you can go home with aha moments that will change your eating and ultimately can change your life. Join me and regain your freedom through health and whole body healing. 

Registration opens TBA